Sebra Bib Fanto 2-pack Jetty Beige

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Expected delivery time within the EU: 2-4 days
Expected delivery time outside the EU: 2-5 days

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The bibs have a small pocket / spill tray for collecting crumbs and liquid. An incredibly practical pocket that catches the food that doesn't quite reach the mouth, or that gets blown out with a sweet little baby sound. Use the bib for the first feeding and protect the child's clothes from porridge and moss and anything else that gets past the little mouth. It makes the starter meals a little cleaner. When the child is ready for the family's food and wants to drink from a cup himself, the collection pocket is also very practical and will enable families with young children to leave the dinner table with a child who may only be half-smeared in food. The bib closes at the neck and there are several adjustment holes.

  • Age: 4M+
  • Measurements: H: 31 L: 21 B: 5
  • Washing instructions: 0
  • Volume: 0
SKU: 578100
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