Specialday Tilkøbssider Til Den Enestående Mor

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There are many different types of families in Denmark, including the one where the woman is the only parent in the role: the 'exceptional mother'. They require something special to be a unique mother, and specialday would like to pay tribute to and focus on that. that a child's book should be unique and fit exactly your family. With these pages, the single mother has the opportunity to customize the album version of 'My First Years - Memories and Saves - Special Edition' for her own family. Simply replace the original pages that are not relevant and instead create a very special children's book for the child with the unique mother. Write down the wonderful experiences, big thoughts and unique memories and memories that arise during pregnancy, birth and the baby's first year. The pages for the unique mother are the first in a series of different versions that SpecialDay will produce for the unique family forms.

  • Purchase pages for the album "mine første år - minder og gemmer"
  • It takes something very special to be a mother and this is celebrated with these additional purchase pages
  • Make the album more personal for e. g. the single mother.
  • Simply replace the original pages that are not relevant and instead create an album for the child with the unique mother
SKU: 145732
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