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Practical pacifier cord in plain fabric.
The pacifier string has a metal clip with wood on top so that you can attach the string to the shirt so that the pacifier does not get lost.
At the end of the pacifier cord there is a rubber ring that can hold several different types of pacifiers.
(GOTS Organic Certified by Ecocert Greenlife Lic. No. 151714).
The product is GOTS organic certified, which means that the cotton is certified organic and that the strictest environmental considerations have been taken in all other processes such as dyeing, knitting and sewing.
GOTS is internationally recognized as the leading standard for processing organic cotton textiles.
​In addition, the working conditions of those who produce the clothes are also taken into account.​​​​​​​

  • 20 cm
  • Metal clip with wood on top
  • 100% organic cotton
  • Certification: GOTS Organic 152033 Ecocert Greenlife
  • Remember to follow the wash and care instructions

SKU: 588821
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