Cocoon Organic Kapok Mattress for Juno Bed

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Super delicious and soft mattress in the kapoktilJuno bed. It is part of the Cocoon Organic kapok series, which is 100% GOTS-certified cotton. Then the baby can lie down and sleep nice and soft. It is possible to purchase the mattress extension so that it can be converted into a junior mattress. Kapok is silky natural fibres that originate from the seed capsule of the Kapok tree Ceiba pentranda. Every year during the dry season, the Kapok tree sheds its leaves and slowly begins to flower and set fruit. At this point, each Kapok tree sets its seed pods, in which the fine kapok fibers are created. The very finest fibers are used for filling in duvets, pillows and mattress pads, where the slightly larger fibers are usually used for filling in mattresses.

  • 62x108 cm
SKU: 66860

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