BRIO® Smart Tech Sound Record & Play Engine

€51,34 €68,45
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Expected delivery time within the EU: 2-4 days
Expected delivery time outside the EU: 2-5 days

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  • From 3 years
  • Interactive and battery powered train
  • You can actually program the game yourself with Smart Tech sound effects upon movement, lights in different colors and customized sounds - doesn't that sound really cool?
  • You have to press the red button on top of the train, so you can record your own sounds, and then hear them played back when the train runs through the sound action tunnel
  • Smart Tech audio technology enables the train to communicate with its surroundings, automatically responding to Smart Tech accessories with various actions such as light in several colors, movement and sounds
  • The locomotive uses 2 pcs. AAA batteries
  • Batteries are not included
  • Can be combined with other BRIO sets and rails, so you can have the wildest train track!
  • 29 x 11 x 15 cm
  • Remember to follow the washing and use instructions
SKU: 549159
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